# Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Matheus Boni Vicari, TLSeparation Project
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__author__ = "Matheus Boni Vicari"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017-2019, TLSeparation Project"
__credits__ = ["Matheus Boni Vicari"]
__license__ = "GPL3"
__version__ = "1.3.2"
__maintainer__ = "Matheus Boni Vicari"
__email__ = "matheus.boni.vicari@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Development"
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
[docs]def array_to_graph(arr, base_id, kpairs, knn, nbrs_threshold,
nbrs_threshold_step, graph_threshold=np.inf):
Converts a numpy.array of points coordinates into a Weighted BiDirectional
NetworkX Graph.
This funcions uses a NearestNeighbor search to determine points adajency.
The NNsearch results are used to select pairs of points (or nodes) that
have a common edge.
arr : array
n-dimensional array of points.
base_id : int
Index of base id (root) in the graph.
kpairs : int
Number of points around each point in arr to select in order to
build edges.
knn : int
Number of neighbors to search around each point in the neighborhood
phase. The higher the better (careful, it's memory intensive).
nbrs_threshold : float
Maximum valid distance between neighbors points.
nbrs_threshold_step : float
Distance increment used in the final phase of edges generation. It's
used to make sure that in the end, every point in arr will be
translated to nodes in the graph.
graph_threshold : float
Maximum distance between pairs of nodes (edge distance) accepted in
the graph generation.
G : networkx graph
Graph containing all points in 'arr' as nodes.
# Initializing graph.
G = nx.Graph()
# Generating array of all indices from 'arr' and all indices to process
# 'idx'.
idx_base = np.arange(arr.shape[0], dtype=int)
idx = np.arange(arr.shape[0], dtype=int)
# Initializing NearestNeighbors search and searching for all 'knn'
# neighboring points arround each point in 'arr'.
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=knn, metric='euclidean',
leaf_size=15, n_jobs=-1).fit(arr)
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(arr)
indices = indices.astype(int)
# Initializing variables for current ids being processed (current_idx)
# and all ids already processed (processed_idx).
current_idx = [base_id]
processed_idx = [base_id]
# Looping while there are still indices (idx) left to process.
while idx.shape[0] > 0:
# If current_idx is a list containing several indices.
if len(current_idx) > 0:
# Selecting NearestNeighbors indices and distances for current
# indices being processed.
nn = indices[current_idx]
dd = distances[current_idx]
# Masking out indices already contained in processed_idx.
mask1 = np.in1d(nn, processed_idx, invert=True).reshape(nn.shape)
# Initializing temporary list of nearest neighbors. This list
# is latter used to accumulate points that will be added to
# processed points list.
nntemp = []
# Looping over current indices's set of nn points and selecting
# knn points that hasn't been added/processed yet (mask1).
for i, (n, d, g) in enumerate(zip(nn, dd, current_idx)):
nn_idx = n[mask1[i]][0:kpairs+1]
dd_idx = d[mask1[i]][0:kpairs+1]
# Adding current knn selected points as nodes to graph G.
add_nodes(G, g, nn_idx, dd_idx, graph_threshold)
# Obtaining an unique array of points currently being processed.
current_idx = np.unique([t2 for t1 in nntemp for t2 in t1])
# If current_idx is an empty list.
elif len(current_idx) == 0:
# Getting NearestNeighbors indices and distance for all indices
# that remain to be processed.
idx2 = indices[idx]
dist2 = distances[idx]
# Masking indices in idx2 that have already been processed. The
# idea is to connect remaining points to existing graph nodes.
mask1 = np.in1d(idx2, processed_idx).reshape(idx2.shape)
# Masking neighboring points that are withing threshold distance.
mask2 = dist2 < nbrs_threshold
# mask1 AND mask2. This will mask only indices that are part of
# the graph and within threshold distance.
mask = np.logical_and(mask1, mask2)
# Getting unique array of indices that match the criteria from
# mask1 and mask2.
temp_idx = np.unique(np.where(mask)[0])
# Assigns remaining indices (idx) matched in temp_idx to
# current_idx.
current_idx = idx[temp_idx]
# Selecting NearestNeighbors indices and distances for current
# indices being processed.
nn = indices[current_idx]
dd = distances[current_idx]
# Masking points in nn that have already been processed.
# This is the oposite approach as above, where points that are
# still not in the graph are desired. Now, to make sure the
# continuity of the graph is kept, join current remaining indices
# to indices already in G.
mask = np.in1d(nn, processed_idx, invert=True).reshape(nn.shape)
# Initializing temporary list of nearest neighbors. This list
# is latter used to accumulate points that will be added to
# processed points list.
nntemp = []
# Looping over current indices's set of nn points and selecting
# knn points that have alreay been added/processed (mask).
# Also, to ensure continuity over next iteration, select another
# kpairs points from indices that haven't been processed (~mask).
for i, (n, d, g) in enumerate(zip(nn, dd, current_idx)):
nn_idx = n[mask[i]][0:kpairs+1]
dd_idx = d[mask[i]][0:kpairs+1]
# Adding current knn selected points as nodes to graph G.
add_nodes(G, g, nn_idx, dd_idx, graph_threshold)
nn_idx = n[~mask[i]][0:kpairs+1]
dd_idx = d[~mask[i]][0:kpairs+1]
# Adding current knn selected points as nodes to graph G.
add_nodes(G, g, nn_idx, dd_idx, graph_threshold)
# Check if current_idx is still empty. If so, increase the
# nbrs_threshold to try to include more points in the next
# iteration.
if len(current_idx) == 0:
nbrs_threshold += nbrs_threshold_step
# Appending current_idx to processed_idx.
processed_idx = np.append(processed_idx, current_idx)
processed_idx = np.unique(processed_idx).astype(int)
# Generating list of remaining proints to process.
idx = idx_base[np.in1d(idx_base, processed_idx, invert=True)]
return G
[docs]def add_nodes(G, base_node, indices, distance, threshold):
Adds a set of nodes and weighted edges based on pairs of indices
between base_node and all entries in indices. Each node pair shares an
edge with weight equal to the distance between both nodes.
G : networkx graph
NetworkX graph object to which all nodes/edges will be added.
base_node : int
Base node's id to be added. All other nodes will be paired with
base_node to form different edges.
indices : list or array
Set of nodes indices to be paired with base_node.
distance : list or array
Set of distances between all nodes in 'indices' and base_node.
threshold : float
Edge distance threshold. All edges with distance larger than
'threshold' will not be added to G.
for c in np.arange(len(indices)):
if distance[c] <= threshold:
# If the distance between vertices is less than a given
# threshold, add edge (i[0], i[c]) to Graph.
G.add_weighted_edges_from([(base_node, indices[c],