# Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Matheus Boni Vicari, TLSeparation Project
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__author__ = "Matheus Boni Vicari"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017-2019, TLSeparation Project"
__credits__ = ["Matheus Boni Vicari"]
__license__ = "GPL3"
__version__ = "1.3.2"
__maintainer__ = "Matheus Boni Vicari"
__email__ = "matheus.boni.vicari@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Development"
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
[docs]def set_nbrs_knn(arr, pts, knn, return_dist=True, block_size=100000):
Function to create a set of nearest neighbors indices and their respective
distances for a set of points. This function uses a knn search and sets a
limit size for a block of points to query. This makes it less efficient in
terms of processing time, but avoids running out of memory in cases of
very dense/large arrays/queries.
arr : array
N-dimensional array to perform the knn search on.
pts : array
N-dimensional array to search for on the knn search.
knn : int
Number of nearest neighbors to search for.
return_dist : boolean
Option to return or not the distances of each neighbor.
block_size : int
Limit of points to query. The variable 'pts' will be subdivided in n
blocks of size block_size to perform query.
indices : array
Set of neighbors indices from 'arr' for each entry in 'pts'.
distance : array
Distances from each neighbor to each central point in 'pts'.
# Making sure knn is of type int.
knn = int(knn)
# Initiating the nearest neighbors search and fitting it to the input
# array.
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=knn, metric='euclidean',
algorithm='kd_tree', leaf_size=15,
# Making sure block_size is limited by at most the number of points in
# arr.
if block_size > pts.shape[0]:
block_size = pts.shape[0]
# Creating block of ids.
ids = np.arange(pts.shape[0])
ids = np.array_split(ids, int(pts.shape[0] / block_size))
# Initializing variables to store distance and indices.
if return_dist is True:
distance = np.zeros([pts.shape[0], knn])
indices = np.zeros([pts.shape[0], knn])
# Checking if the function should return the distance as well or only the
# neighborhood indices.
if return_dist is True:
# Obtaining the neighborhood indices and their respective distances
# from the center point by looping over blocks of ids.
for i in ids:
nbrs_dist, nbrs_ids = nbrs.kneighbors(pts[i])
distance[i] = nbrs_dist
indices[i] = nbrs_ids
return distance, indices
elif return_dist is False:
# Obtaining the neighborhood indices only by looping over blocks of
# ids.
for i in ids:
nbrs_ids = nbrs.kneighbors(pts[i], return_distance=False)
indices[i] = nbrs_ids
return indices
[docs]def set_nbrs_rad(arr, pts, rad, return_dist=True, block_size=100000):
Function to create a set of nearest neighbors indices and their respective
distances for a set of points. This function uses a radius search and sets
a limit size for a block of points to query. This makes it less efficient
in terms of processing time, but avoids running out of memory in cases of
very dense/large arrays/queries.
arr : array
N-dimensional array to perform the radius search on.
pts : array
N-dimensional array to search for on the knn search.
rad : float
Radius of the NearestNeighbors search.
return_dist : boolean
Option to return or not the distances of each neighbor.
block_size : int
Limit of points to query. The variable 'pts' will be subdivided in n
blocks of size block_size to perform query.
indices : array
Set of neighbors indices from 'arr' for each entry in 'pts'.
distance : array
Distances from each neighbor to each central point in 'pts'.
# Making sure block_size is limited by at most the number of points in
# arr.
if block_size > pts.shape[0]:
block_size = pts.shape[0]
# Initiating the nearest neighbors search and fitting it to the input
# array.
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(radius=rad, metric='euclidean',
algorithm='kd_tree', leaf_size=15,
# Creating block of ids.
ids = np.arange(pts.shape[0])
ids = np.array_split(ids, int(pts.shape[0] / block_size))
# Initializing variables to store distance and indices.
if return_dist is True:
distance = []
indices = []
# Checking if the function should return the distance as well or only the
# neighborhood indices.
if return_dist is True:
# Obtaining the neighborhood indices and their respective distances
# from the center point by looping over blocks of ids.
for i in ids:
nbrs_dist, nbrs_ids = nbrs.radius_neighbors(pts[i])
for j, k in enumerate(i):
return distance, indices
elif return_dist is False:
# Obtaining the neighborhood indices only by looping over blocks of
# ids.
for i in ids:
nbrs_ids = nbrs.radius_neighbors(pts[i], return_distance=False)
for j, k in enumerate(i):
return indices
[docs]def subset_nbrs(distance, indices, new_knn, block_size=100000):
Performs a subseting of points from the results of a nearest neighbors
This function assumes that the first index/distance in each row represents
the center point of the neighborhood represented by said rows.
distance : array
Distances from each neighbor to each central point in 'pts'.
indices : array
Set of neighbors indices from 'arr' for each entry in 'pts'.
new_knn : array
Number of neighbors to select from the initial number of neighbors.
block_size : int
Limit of points to query. The variables 'distance' and 'indices' will
be subdivided in n blocks of size block_size to perform query.
distance : array
Subset of distances from each neighbor 'indices'.
indices : array
Subset of neighbors indices from 'indices'.
# Making sure block_size is limited by at most the number of points in
# arr.
if block_size > distance.shape[0]:
block_size = distance.shape[0]
# Creating block of ids.
ids = np.arange(distance.shape[0])
ids = np.array_split(ids, int(distance.shape[0] / block_size))
# Initializing new_distance and new_indices variables.
new_distance = []
new_indices = []
# Processing all blocks of indices in ids.
for id_ in ids:
# Looping over each sample in distance and indices.
for d, i in zip(distance[id_], indices[id_]):
# Checks if new knn values are smaller than current distance and
# indices rows. This avoids errors of trying to select a number of
# columns larger than the available columns.
if distance.shape[1] >= new_knn:
# Returning new_distance and new_indices as arrays.
return np.asarray(new_distance), np.asarray(new_indices)