# Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Matheus Boni Vicari, TLSeparation Project
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__author__ = "Matheus Boni Vicari"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017-2019, TLSeparation Project"
__credits__ = ["Matheus Boni Vicari"]
__license__ = "GPL3"
__version__ = "1.3.2"
__maintainer__ = "Matheus Boni Vicari"
__email__ = "matheus.boni.vicari@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Development"
import numpy as np
import datetime
from ..classification import (wlseparate_abs, wlseparate_ref_voting,
reference_classification, path_detect_frequency,
voxel_path_detection, get_base, DefaultClass)
from ..utility import (get_diff, remove_duplicates, radius_filter,
class_filter, cluster_filter, continuity_filter,
feature_filter, plane_filter,
detect_nn_dist, cluster_features, cluster_size,
[docs]def large_tree_3(arr, class_file=[], knn_lst=[20, 40, 60, 80], gmm_nclasses=4,
class_prob_threshold=0.95, cont_filt=True, cf_rad=None,
Run an automated separation of a single tree point cloud.
arr : array
Three-dimensional point cloud of a single tree to perform the
wood-leaf separation. This should be a n-dimensional array (m x n)
containing a set of coordinates (n) over a set of points (m).
class_file : str
Path to classes reference values file. This file will be loaded and
its reference values are used to select wood and leaf classes.
knn_lst: list
Set of knn values to use in the neighborhood search in classification
steps. This variable will be directly used in a step containing
the function wlseparate_ref_voting and its minimum value will be used
in another step containing wlseparate_abs (both from
classification.wlseparate). These values are directly dependent of
point density and were defined based on a medium point density
scenario (mean distance between points aroun 0.05m). Therefore, for
higher density point clouds it's recommended the use of larger knn
values for optimal results.
gmm_nclasses: int
Number of classes to use in Gaussian Mixture Classification. Default
is 4.
cont_filt : boolean
Option to select if continuity_filter should be applied to wood and
leaf point clouds. Default is True.
class_prob_threshold : float
Classification probability threshold to filter classes. This aims to
avoid selecting points that are not confidently enough assigned to
any given class. Default is 0.95.
cf_rad : float
Continuity filter search radius.
verbose : bool
Option to set (or not) verbose output.
wood_final : array
Wood point cloud.
leaf_final : array
Leaf point cloud.
# Checking input class_file, if it's an empty list, use default values.
if len(class_file) == 0:
class_file = DefaultClass().ref_table
# Making sure input array has only 3 dimensions and no duplicated points.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | removing duplicates')
arr = remove_duplicates(arr[:, :3])
# Calculating recommended distance between neighboring points.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | calculating recommended \
distance between neighboring points')
nndist = detect_nn_dist(arr, 10, 0.5)
# Checking if no input was given to cf_rad and if so, calculate it from
# nndist.
if cf_rad is None:
cf_rad = nndist * 0.66
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | nndist: %s' % nndist)
# Setting up knn value based on the minimum value from knn_lst.
knn = np.min(knn_lst)
# Obtaining mask of points from a slice of points located at the base of
# the tree.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | obtaining mask of points \
from a slice of points located at the base of the tree')
base_mask = get_base(arr, 0.5)
base_ids = np.where(base_mask)[0]
base_ids = []
print('Failed to obtain base_mask.')
# Masking points most likely to be part of the trunk and larger branches.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | masking points most likely \
to be part of the trunk and larger branches')
trunk_mask = voxel_path_detection(arr, 0.1, 40, 100, 0.15, True)
# Obtaining indices of points that are part of the trunk (trunk_ids)
# and not part of the trunk (not_trunk_ids).
# trunk.
trunk_ids = np.where(trunk_mask)[0].astype(int)
not_trunk_ids = np.where(~trunk_mask)[0].astype(int)
trunk_ids = []
print('Failed to obtain trunk_mask.')
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | performing absolute \
threshold separation on points not detected as trunk (not_trunk_ids)')
# Performing absolute threshold separation on points not detected
# as trunk (not_trunk_ids).
ids_1, prob_1 = wlseparate_abs(arr[not_trunk_ids], knn,
# Obtaining wood_1 ids and classification probability.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | obtaining wood_1 ids \
and classification probability')
wood_1_mask = not_trunk_ids[ids_1['wood']]
wood_1_prob = prob_1['wood']
# Filtering out points that were classified with a probability lower
# than class_prob_threshold.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | filtering out points \
that were classified with a probability lower than class_prob_threshold')
wood_1 = wood_1_mask[wood_1_prob >= class_prob_threshold]
# Applying class_filter to remove wood_1 points that are more
# likely to be part of a leaf point cloud (not_wood_1).
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | \
applying class_filter to remove wood_1 points that are more likely to be \
part of a leaf point cloud (not_wood_1)')
# Setting up a boolean mask of wood_1 and not_wood_1 points.
wood_1_bool = np.zeros(arr.shape[0], dtype=bool)
wood_1_bool[wood_1] = True
# Obtaining wood_1 filtered point indices.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | obtaining wood_1 \
filtered point indices')
wood_1_1_mask, _ = class_filter(arr[wood_1_bool],
arr[~wood_1_bool], 0, knn=10)
wood_1_1_mask = np.where(wood_1_1_mask)[0]
wood_1_1 = wood_1[wood_1_1_mask]
wood_1_1 = wood_1
# In case absolute threshold separation fails, set wood_1_1 as an
# empty list.
wood_1_1 = []
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | absolute threshold \
separation failed, setting wood_1_1 as an empty list')
# Performing reference class voting separation on the whole input point
# cloud.
# Running reference class voting separation.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | running reference class \
voting separation')
ids_2, count_2, prob_2 = wlseparate_ref_voting(arr[not_trunk_ids],
knn_lst, class_file,
# Obtaining indices and classification probabilities for classes
# twig and trunk (both components of wood points).
twig_2_mask = not_trunk_ids[ids_2['twig']]
twig_2_prob = prob_2['twig']
# Masking twig and trunk classes by classification probability
# threshold.
twig_2_prob_mask = twig_2_prob >= class_prob_threshold
# Obtaining twig_2 and trunk_2 vote counts, which are the number of
# votes that each point in twig_2 and trunk_2 received to be
# classified as such.
twig_2_count = count_2['twig']
# Filtering twig_2 and trunk_2 by a minimun number of votes. Point
# indices with number of votes smaller than the defined threshold
# are left out.
twig_2 = twig_2_mask[twig_2_count >= 2][twig_2_prob_mask]
# Applying class_filter on filtered twig point cloud.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | applying \
class_filter on filtered twig point cloud')
# Setting up a boolean mask of twig_2 and not_twig_2 points.
twig_2_bool = np.zeros(arr.shape[0], dtype=bool)
twig_2_bool[twig_2] = True
twig_2_1_mask, _ = class_filter(arr[twig_2_bool],
arr[~twig_2_bool], 0, knn=10)
twig_2_1_mask = np.where(twig_2_1_mask)[0]
twig_2_1 = twig_2[twig_2_1_mask]
# Applying radius_filter on filtered twig point cloud.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | applying \
radius_filter on filtered twig point cloud')
twig_2_2_mask = radius_filter(arr[twig_2_1], 0.05, 5)
twig_2_2 = twig_2_1[twig_2_2_mask]
twig_2_2 = twig_2
# In case voting separation fails, set twig_2_2 as an empty list.
twig_2_2 = []
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | reference class \
separation failed, setting twig_2_2 as an empty list')
# Stacking all clouds part of the wood portion.
wood_ids = np.hstack((base_ids, trunk_ids, twig_2_2, wood_1_1))
wood_ids = np.unique(wood_ids).astype(int)
# Selecting initial set of wood and leaf points.
wood = arr[wood_ids]
# Applying path filter to remove small clusters of leaves at the tips of
# the branches.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | running path filtering \
on wood points')
path_filter_mask = voxel_path_detection(wood, 0.1, 8, 100, 0.15,
wood_filt_1 = wood[path_filter_mask]
leaf_filt_1 = get_diff(arr, wood_filt_1)
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | failed running path \
wood_filt_1 = wood
leaf_filt_1 = get_diff(arr, wood_filt_1)
if cont_filt:
# Applying continuity filter in an attempt to close gaps in the wood
# point cloud (i.e. misclassified leaf points in between portions of
# wood points).
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | applying continuity \
filter in an attempt to close gaps in the wood point cloud')
wood_filt_2, leaf_filt_2 = continuity_filter(wood_filt_1,
# Applying path filter agin to clean up data after continuity filter.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | running path \
filtering on wood points')
path_filter_mask_2 = voxel_path_detection(wood_filt_2, 0.1,
4, 100, 0.15,
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_2[path_filter_mask_2]
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | failed running \
path filtering')
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_2
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_1
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_1
# After filtering wood points, add back smaller branches to fill in
# the tips lost by path filtering.
wood_final = np.vstack((wood_filt_2, arr[wood_1_1]))
wood_final = remove_duplicates(wood_final)
# Obtaining leaf point cloud from the difference between input cloud 'arr'
# and wood points.
leaf_final = get_diff(arr, wood_final)
return wood_final, leaf_final
[docs]def large_tree_4(arr, class_file=[], knn_lst=[20, 40, 60, 80], gmm_nclasses=4,
class_prob_threshold=0.95, cont_filt=True, cf_rad=None,
Run an automated separation of a single tree point cloud.
arr : array
Three-dimensional point cloud of a single tree to perform the
wood-leaf separation. This should be a n-dimensional array (m x n)
containing a set of coordinates (n) over a set of points (m).
class_file : str
Path to classes reference values file. This file will be loaded and
its reference values are used to select wood and leaf classes.
knn_lst: list
Set of knn values to use in the neighborhood search in classification
steps. This variable will be directly used in a step containing
the function wlseparate_ref_voting and its minimum value will be used
in another step containing wlseparate_abs (both from
classification.wlseparate). These values are directly dependent of
point density and were defined based on a medium point density
scenario (mean distance between points aroun 0.05m). Therefore, for
higher density point clouds it's recommended the use of larger knn
values for optimal results.
gmm_nclasses: int
Number of classes to use in Gaussian Mixture Classification. Default
is 4.
cont_filt : boolean
Option to select if continuity_filter should be applied to wood and
leaf point clouds. Default is True.
class_prob_threshold : float
Classification probability threshold to filter classes. This aims to
avoid selecting points that are not confidently enough assigned to
any given class. Default is 0.95.
cf_rad : float
Continuity filter search radius.
verbose : bool
Option to set (or not) verbose output.
wood_final : array
Wood point cloud.
leaf_final : array
Leaf point cloud.
# Checking input class_file, if it's an empty list, use default values.
if len(class_file) == 0:
class_file = DefaultClass().ref_table
# Making sure input array has only 3 dimensions and no duplicated points.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | removing duplicates')
arr = remove_duplicates(arr[:, :3])
# Calculating recommended distance between neighboring points.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | calculating recommended \
distance between neighboring points')
nndist = detect_nn_dist(arr, 10, 0.5)
# Checking if no input was given to cf_rad and if so, calculate it from
# nndist.
if cf_rad is None:
cf_rad = nndist * 0.66
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | nndist: %s' % nndist)
# Setting up knn value based on the minimum value from knn_lst.
knn = np.min(knn_lst)
# Obtaining mask of points from a slice of points located at the base of
# the tree.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | obtaining mask of points \
from a slice of points located at the base of the tree')
base_mask = get_base(arr, 0.5)
base_ids = np.where(base_mask)[0]
base_ids = []
print('Failed to obtain base_mask.')
# Masking points most likely to be part of the trunk and larger branches.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | masking points most likely \
to be part of the trunk and larger branches')
trunk_mask = voxel_path_detection(arr, 0.1, 40, 100, 0.15, True)
# Obtaining indices of points that are part of the trunk (trunk_ids)
# and not part of the trunk (not_trunk_ids).
# trunk.
trunk_ids = np.where(trunk_mask)[0].astype(int)
not_trunk_ids = np.where(~trunk_mask)[0].astype(int)
trunk_ids = []
print('Failed to obtain trunk_mask.')
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | performing absolute \
threshold separation on points not detected as trunk (not_trunk_ids)')
# Performing absolute threshold separation on points not detected
# as trunk (not_trunk_ids).
ids_1, prob_1 = wlseparate_abs(arr[not_trunk_ids], knn,
# Obtaining wood_1 ids and classification probability.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | obtaining wood_1 ids \
and classification probability')
wood_1_mask = not_trunk_ids[ids_1['wood']]
wood_1_prob = prob_1['wood']
# Filtering out points that were classified with a probability lower
# than class_prob_threshold.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | filtering out points \
that were classified with a probability lower than class_prob_threshold')
wood_1 = wood_1_mask[wood_1_prob >= class_prob_threshold]
# Applying class_filter to remove wood_1 points that are more
# likely to be part of a leaf point cloud (not_wood_1).
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | \
applying class_filter to remove wood_1 points that are more likely to be \
part of a leaf point cloud (not_wood_1)')
# Setting up a boolean mask of wood_1 and not_wood_1 points.
wood_1_bool = np.zeros(arr.shape[0], dtype=bool)
wood_1_bool[wood_1] = True
# Obtaining wood_1 filtered point indices.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | obtaining wood_1 \
filtered point indices')
wood_1_1_mask, _ = class_filter(arr[wood_1_bool],
arr[~wood_1_bool], 0, knn=10)
wood_1_1_mask = np.where(wood_1_1_mask)[0]
wood_1_1 = wood_1[wood_1_1_mask]
wood_1_1 = wood_1
# In case absolute threshold separation fails, set wood_1_1 as an
# empty list.
wood_1_1 = []
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | absolute threshold \
separation failed, setting wood_1_1 as an empty list')
# Performing reference class voting separation on the whole input point
# cloud.
# Running reference class voting separation.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | running reference class \
voting separation')
ids_2, count_2, prob_2 = wlseparate_ref_voting(arr[not_trunk_ids],
knn_lst, class_file,
# Obtaining indices and classification probabilities for classes
# twig and trunk (both components of wood points).
twig_2_mask = not_trunk_ids[ids_2['twig']]
twig_2_prob = prob_2['twig']
# Masking twig and trunk classes by classification probability
# threshold.
twig_2_prob_mask = twig_2_prob >= class_prob_threshold
# Obtaining twig_2 and trunk_2 vote counts, which are the number of
# votes that each point in twig_2 and trunk_2 received to be
# classified as such.
twig_2_count = count_2['twig']
# Filtering twig_2 and trunk_2 by a minimun number of votes. Point
# indices with number of votes smaller than the defined threshold
# are left out.
twig_2 = twig_2_mask[twig_2_count >= 2][twig_2_prob_mask]
# Applying class_filter on filtered twig point cloud.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | applying \
class_filter on filtered twig point cloud')
# Setting up a boolean mask of twig_2 and not_twig_2 points.
twig_2_bool = np.zeros(arr.shape[0], dtype=bool)
twig_2_bool[twig_2] = True
twig_2_1_mask, _ = class_filter(arr[twig_2_bool],
arr[~twig_2_bool], 0, knn=10)
twig_2_1_mask = np.where(twig_2_1_mask)[0]
twig_2_1 = twig_2[twig_2_1_mask]
# Applying radius_filter on filtered twig point cloud.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | applying \
radius_filter on filtered twig point cloud')
twig_2_2_mask = radius_filter(arr[twig_2_1], 0.05, 5)
twig_2_2 = twig_2_1[twig_2_2_mask]
twig_2_2 = twig_2
# In case voting separation fails, set twig_2_2 as an empty list.
twig_2_2 = []
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | reference class \
separation failed, setting twig_2_2 as an empty list')
# Stacking all clouds part of the wood portion.
wood_ids = np.hstack((base_ids, trunk_ids, twig_2_2, wood_1_1))
wood_ids = np.unique(wood_ids).astype(int)
# Selecting initial set of wood and leaf points.
wood = arr[wood_ids]
mask_plane = plane_filter(wood, 0.05, 0.02)
mask_feature = feature_filter(wood, 4, -1, 30)
temp_mask = np.logical_and(mask_plane, mask_feature)
mask_cluster = cluster_filter(wood, 0.05, 0.2)
final_mask = np.logical_and(temp_mask, mask_cluster)
wood = wood[final_mask]
leaf = get_diff(arr, wood)
# Applying path filter to remove small clusters of leaves at the tips of
# the branches.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | running path filtering \
on wood points')
path_filter_mask = voxel_path_detection(wood, 0.1, 8, 100, 0.15,
wood_filt_1 = wood[path_filter_mask]
leaf_filt_1 = get_diff(arr, wood_filt_1)
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | failed running path \
wood_filt_1 = wood
leaf_filt_1 = get_diff(arr, wood_filt_1)
if cont_filt:
# Applying continuity filter in an attempt to close gaps in the wood
# point cloud (i.e. misclassified leaf points in between portions of
# wood points).
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | applying continuity \
filter in an attempt to close gaps in the wood point cloud')
wood_filt_2, leaf_filt_2 = continuity_filter(wood_filt_1,
# Applying path filter agin to clean up data after continuity filter.
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | running path \
filtering on wood points')
path_filter_mask_2 = voxel_path_detection(wood_filt_2, 0.1,
4, 100, 0.15,
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_2[path_filter_mask_2]
if verbose:
print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' | failed running \
path filtering')
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_2
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_1
wood_filt_2 = wood_filt_1
# After filtering wood points, add back smaller branches to fill in
# the tips lost by path filtering.
wood_final = np.vstack((wood_filt_2, arr[wood_1_1]))
wood_final = remove_duplicates(wood_final)
# Obtaining leaf point cloud from the difference between input cloud 'arr'
# and wood points.
leaf_final = get_diff(arr, wood_final)
return wood_final, leaf_final
[docs]def generic_tree(arr, knn_list=[40, 50, 80, 100, 120], voxel_size=0.05,
Run an automated separation of a single tree point cloud.
arr : array
Three-dimensional point cloud of a single tree to perform the
wood-leaf separation. This should be a n-dimensional array (m x n)
containing a set of coordinates (n) over a set of points (m).
knn_lst: list
Set of knn values to use in the neighborhood search in classification
steps. This variable will be directly used in a step containing
the function reference_classification and its minimum and maximum
values will be used in a different step with threshold_classification
(both from classification.classify_wood). These values are directl
dependent of point density and were defined based on a medium point
density scenario (mean distance between points aroun 0.05m).
Therefore, for higher density point clouds it's recommended the use of
larger knn values for optimal results.
verbose : bool
Option to set (or not) verbose output.
wood_final : array
Wood point cloud.
leaf_final : array
Leaf point cloud.
# Running voxel_path_detection to detect main pathways (trunk and
# low order branches) in a tree point cloud. This step generates a
# graph from the point cloud and retrace n retrace_steps towards the
# root of the tree.
path_mask = voxel_path_detection(arr, voxel_size, retrace_steps, 100,
voxel_size * 1.77, False)
# Filtering path_mask points by feature threshold. In this case,
# feature 4 has a very distinctive pattern for wood and leaf. Usually
# the threshold is around -0.9 to -1.
path_mask_feature = feature_filter(arr[path_mask], 4, -0.9,
# Selecting filtered points in path_mask.
path_retrace_arr = arr[path_mask][path_mask_feature]
# Running path_detect_frequency to detect main pathways (trunk and
# low order branches) in a tree point cloud. This step generates a
# graph from the point cloud and select nodes with high frequency
# of paths passing through.
path_frequency_arr = path_detect_frequency(arr, voxel_size, 6)
# Running threshold_classification to detect small branches.
wood_abs = threshold_classification(arr, np.min(knn_list))
# Running reference_classification to detect both trunk, medium branches
# and small branches.
wood_vote = reference_classification(arr, knn_list)
# Stacking classified wood points.
wood1 = np.vstack((wood_abs, wood_vote))
# Obtaining leaf points by the difference set between wood and initial
# point clouds.
leaf1 = get_diff(arr, wood1)
# Obtaining larger branches that might have been missed in previous
# steps. The basic idea is to use a much larger knn value.
wood_abs_2 = threshold_classification(leaf1, np.max(knn_list) * 2)
# If wood_abs_2 has more than 10 points, do a cluster filtering to
# remove cluster with round/flat shapes.
if len(wood_abs_2) >= 10:
mask_cluster_2 = cluster_filter(wood_abs_2, 0.06, 0.6)
wood_abs_2 = wood_abs_2[mask_cluster_2]
# Obtaining small branches that might have been missed in previous
# steps. To detect small features, the ideal approach is to use a
# small neighborhood of points.
wood_abs_3 = threshold_classification(leaf1, np.min(knn_list))
# Stacking all wood points classified through Gaussian Mixture/EM.
wood2 = np.vstack((wood1, wood_abs_2, wood_abs_3))
# Removing duplicated points.
wood2 = remove_duplicates(wood2)
# Applying plane filter to remove points in a plane-ish neighborhood
# of points. These plane points are more likely to be part of leaves.
mask_plane = plane_filter(wood2, 0.03, 0.02)
# Stacking final wood points from GMM classification and path
# detection.
wood_final = np.vstack((path_frequency_arr, path_retrace_arr,
# Removes duplicate points and obtains final leaf points from
# the difference set between initial and final wood point clouds.
wood_final = remove_duplicates(wood_final)
leaf_final = get_diff(arr, wood_final)
return wood_final, leaf_final
[docs]def nopath_generic_tree(arr, knn_list=[40, 50, 80, 100, 120]):
Run an automated separation of a single tree point cloud.
arr : array
Three-dimensional point cloud of a single tree to perform the
wood-leaf separation. This should be a n-dimensional array (m x n)
containing a set of coordinates (n) over a set of points (m).
knn_lst: list
Set of knn values to use in the neighborhood search in classification
steps. This variable will be directly used in a step containing
the function reference_classification and its minimum and maximum
values will be used in a different step with threshold_classification
(both from classification.classify_wood). These values are directl
dependent of point density and were defined based on a medium point
density scenario (mean distance between points aroun 0.05m).
Therefore, for higher density point clouds it's recommended the use of
larger knn values for optimal results.
wood_final : array
Wood point cloud.
leaf_final : array
Leaf point cloud.
# Running threshold_classification to detect small branches.
wood_abs = threshold_classification(arr, np.min(knn_list))
# Running reference_classification to detect both trunk, medium branches
# and small branches.
wood_vote = reference_classification(arr, knn_list)
# Stacking classified wood points.
wood1 = np.vstack((wood_abs, wood_vote))
# Obtaining leaf points by the difference set between wood and initial
# point clouds.
leaf1 = get_diff(arr, wood1)
# Obtaining larger branches that might have been missed in previous
# steps. The basic idea is to use a much larger knn value.
wood_abs_2 = threshold_classification(leaf1, np.max(knn_list) * 2)
# If wood_abs_2 has more than 10 points, do a cluster filtering to
# remove cluster with round/flat shapes.
if len(wood_abs_2) >= 10:
mask_cluster_2 = cluster_filter(wood_abs_2, 0.06, 0.6)
wood_abs_2 = wood_abs_2[mask_cluster_2]
# Obtaining small branches that might have been missed in previous
# steps. To detect small features, the ideal approach is to use a
# small neighborhood of points.
wood_abs_3 = threshold_classification(leaf1, np.min(knn_list))
# Stacking all wood points classified through Gaussian Mixture/EM.
wood2 = np.vstack((wood1, wood_abs_2, wood_abs_3))
# Removing duplicated points.
wood2 = remove_duplicates(wood2)
# Applying plane filter to remove points in a plane-ish neighborhood
# of points. These plane points are more likely to be part of leaves.
mask_plane = plane_filter(wood2, 0.03, 0.02)
# Stacking final wood points from GMM classification and path
# detection.
wood_final = wood2[mask_plane]
# Removes duplicate points and obtains final leaf points from
# the difference set between initial and final wood point clouds.
wood_final = remove_duplicates(wood_final)
leaf_final = get_diff(arr, wood_final)
return wood_final, leaf_final